Topic 1,
Sub-Topic 1
In Progress
Alteration and Cancellation of a Customs Declaration
Alteration and Cancellation of a Customs Declaration
- Cancellation of Customs Declaration (CD) may be requested for any time before the status “pending removal”. This means between the time the CD is registered up to the status “under control”.
- Alteration fee is payable per field altered, at the rate of USD 5.
- When alteration is successfully done, a new version is made available and the status of the CD changes to “to alter”.
- Alterable fields for imports include the following:
- Office of entry/exit
- Identity of the means of transport
- Region of destination
- Mode of inland transport mode
- Nationality of transport
- Seals number
- Identification of warehouse
- Textual additional information- complementary data segment
- PS segment – marks of the packages
- When the examination findings entered by the Verification Officer indicate discrepancies between the particulars of the CD and the documents and/or goods examined, the CD must be amended accordingly, and its status is changed to “to amend”.
- The amendment transaction is only available for performance by a Customs officer. When this transaction is successfully completed, a new version is made available and the status of the CD changes to “amended”. The declarant is supposed to compare new version with the old version and either accept changes; reject changes; pay and protest.
The following is a step-by-step process for cancellation of a CD:
- Log into iCMS using user ID and password.
- Click on clearance icon on the home page.
- Click Declaration tab on the left side of the screen.
- Search for declaration by selecting range of dates within which the declaration was registered; select declaration regime IM4; select status of declaration, registered; search.
- Select declaration to be cancelled as displayed in the query result. Select “Display” icon at the top. Click on “Cancellation” icon and confirm proceed by clicking OK.
- Write cancellation comments on the text box and click cancel button at the top. The message displayed is “request to cancel entry has been submitted to Customs”.
- Status changes to “to cancel”. CD moves to Customs Officer’s profile for his/her approval.
- When cancellation request has been accepted by Customs officer, status will change to “cancel pending”. Search for CDs with cancel pending status. Select status and dates.
- Select CD pending cancellation. Click “Display” icon. Click on “Modification e-slip” icon.
- Pay cancellation fee of USD 10. Status changes to “cancelled”
- The following is a step-by-step process for alteration of a CD:
- Log into iCMS using your user ID and password.
- Click on clearance icon on the home page.
- Click Declaration tab on the left side of the screen.
- Search for declaration by typing in registration no. and clicking on search tab.
- Highlight CD by selecting it; click “Display” icon. Click on “Alteration icon”. Confirm progress by clicking OK.
- Click on Item and select segment for alteration; go to specific field that needs alteration. SAVE.
- Go to General Segment; make specific field alteration; and then make general comment to Customs officer.
- Click “Alter” icon on the top of window. Message displayed: “Request to alter this declaration has been submitted.”
- Status changes from registered to “to alter”. Customs will now need to approve the alteration. Once approval is done, notification message will be sent to the Customs Agent that alteration request has been approved.
- Search and highlight CD; click display; and click “Modification e-slip” icon.
- If you want to know the alteration done before payment, click the “Compare icon”.
- Make payment of alteration fees. Once payment is done, alteration is perfected and status of CD changes back to registered.