Topic 1, Sub-Topic 1
In Progress

Amended Customs Declaration

Amended Customs Declaration

  • An amendment may arise due to discrepancies detected during verification by Customs.
  • Click on Search on the left side of the window; search CDs that are in “amended” status.
  • Select CD; display to know what was amended; click “Compare” icon and you will see the comparison between version 1 and 2 (see screen shot below).  Close comparison window once done.
  • Select CD; click on “Process” icon (green in color). 
  • Take action by clicking on the accept icon (green “√” tick); reject icon (red “X” mark) or pay and protest icon (hammer symbol) at the top of the displayed window. See screen shot below.
  • If your click Reject icon, confirm that you want to proceed with rejection. Select reason by clicking drop down arrow and type reasons for rejection on reason field. Document goes back to status “under control”. Head Verification Officer (HVO) will escalate document to the next level.
  • If you click Accept icon, confirm acceptance. Select reason by clicking drop down arrow and type reasons for rejection on reason field. Make payment by searching CD and highlight it on the query result section. Click on “Display” icon. Click on declaration e-slip icon and make payment. CD goes back to status “under control” and HVO can release entry.
  • If you click Pay and protest icon, select reason by clicking drop down arrow and type reasons for rejection on reason field; select mode of payment e.g., choose bank guarantee. Click “ok” to confirm action.  Go back to home page. Execute bond that will cover transaction by clicking on “bond” icon on the left side.  Select bond. Under bond category field, choose guarantee. In the Declaration ID field, select CD to be covered by guarantee; choose guarantor in the “guarantor name” field; click submit icon.  The message shown is “your application for the bond has been submitted successfully”. Bond will be approved and executed.  Declaration goes back to status “under control”.

Learning Activities

Log into the iCMS and undertake the following tasks. 


  1. Create and register an IM4 on iCMS.
  2. Create and register an IM5 on iCMS.
  3. Create and register an IM6 on iCMS.
  4. Make a request for alteration of IM4 on iCMS.
  5. Make a request for cancellation of IM4 on iCMS.


  • Discuss the scope of IM4 in customs declaration.
  • Under what circumstances should you undertake the following:
    • Alteration and Cancellation of a Customs Declaration
    • Amending of a Customs Declaration