Direct Export Customs Declaration
- The tax regime code for exports is EX1.
- The CPC code for home produced direct exports is 1000100, where 10 is code for direct export; 00 means there is no previous document; and 100 is the special category code for home produced export goods.
The step-by-step process of creating and registering a direct export CD is described below:
- Log into iCMS using your user ID and password.
- Click on Clearance icon on the home page.
- Click on Declaration on the left side of the window; and select capture tab.
- Select the entry type as “Direct Export”. Input all mandatory fields in the general segment (untick consignee registration no. since they are not expected to have a PIN; period in facility should not exceed 30 days).
- SAVE. Export declaration number is generated e.g., 20MBAEX100233845. Status changes to “created”.
- Move to Items segment and input all mandatory details. SAVE.
- Go to General Segment and confirm that all information is correctly provided. Click on “Assess” icon and the message displayed is “tax assessment successful”.
- Preview draft CD by clicking on print icon on the right. Once you are satisfied that all information is well captured, click on “Register” icon. Confirm registration by clicking on “register”.
- Status changes to “removed” which enables capturing of road manifest.
- To create road manifest, close all windows and go to home page. Click clearance icon; click declaration and then search on the left side of the window.
- Input registration no. & search; highlight CD on the query result section.
- Click display icon at the top of the window; click “Clone SAD” icon. A new registration no. is generated.
- Close all windows; select search; input new registration no. and the status will be created. Highlight SAD and click on “Process” icon at the top.
- Edit pulled data from export CD to suit road manifest details. Input/edit all mandatory data under General segment and SAVE.
- Go to Items segment and then edit/input data (details, procedure, packages) and SAVE.
- Click “Assess” icon. The message “tax assessment is successful” will be displayed. Click “Register” icon and confirm registration.
- Click “Assess” icon to see MSS levy payable. Click “Declaration e-slip” icon to generate e-slip.
- CD moves from “registered” to status “under control”. This enables Customs Agent to engage Customs officer for supervision of loading and sealing.
- To notify Customs officer that you are ready for stuffing and sealing, go to home page. Click on messages; select notification; create notification; and click post.