Topic 1, Sub-Topic 1
In Progress

Features of Good Warehouse Layout

Features of Good Warehouse Layout

  • Economy — With few exceptions, storage space is limited; it is at a premium and must not be wasted. The most economical and efficient use must be made of the maximum area of storage space available.
  • Accessibility — All items in the warehouse must be so positioned that they can be identified and located when needed with the minimum amount of time and effort.
  • Flexibility — Volumes of total stock held, or quantities of different items held, can vary considerably from time to time. Also, changes in the activities of the operations of an organisation may necessitate considerable changes in the items held in the warehouse. The layout of the warehouse must be capable of being rearranged as circumstances dictate.
  • Protection — The layout of a particular warehouse must afford the maximum protection for the items housed in it, and the warehouse personnel working in it, as well as for any visitors to it.

Advantages of Good Warehouse Layout
Increased output

  • Improved material flow
  • Reduced costs
  • Improved customer service
  • Time saving
  • Increased safety of materials and people
  • Increased efficiency