International Organization for international carriage by Rail (OTIF)
- OTIF is one of the Intergovernmental organizations for promoting, improving and facilitating all aspects of rail transport.
- One of the principal objectives of OTIF has been establishment of uniform system of law on various aspects of rail transport and supports its development and application among its members.
International Union for Railways (UIC)
- UIC mission is to promote rail transport globally and meet the challenges of mobility and sustainable development.
- The main objectives of UIC are to:
- Facilitate the sharing of best practices among members (benchmarking);
- Support members in their efforts to develop new business and new areas of activities;
- Propose new ways to improve technical and environmental performance;
- Promote interoperability, create new world standards for railways;
- Develop centres of competence (High Speed, Safety, Security, e-Business); and
- Original principal task to Harmonize and improve conditions for railway constructions and operations.
International Rail Transport Committee (CIT) 30
- The main objective of the CIT is to promote and Interoperability of international railway transport by promoting harmonization of legal frameworks and support uniform implementation of laws governing railway transport.
- CIT helps implement international rail transport law by:
- Drawing up and maintaining legal publications and boiler plate documents for international traffic by rail,
- Standardizing the contractual relationships between customers, carriers and infrastructure managers,
- Representing the interests of carriers by rail vis-à-vis legislators and authorities.
- Providing regular briefings on legal issues; and,
- Organizing training courses and giving legal advice as requested.