Topic 1, Sub-Topic 1
In Progress



  • The GSP, is a preferential tariff system which provides tariff reduction on various products. 
  • The GSP provides nonreciprocal, duty-free tariff treatment to certain products imported into developed countries from designated beneficiary developing countries (BDCs). 
  • The basic principle behind GSP trade programs worldwide is to provide developing countries with unilateral preferential market access to developed-country markets in order to spur economic growth in poorer countries. 
  • The preferential access is in the form of lower tariff rates for certain products that are determined not to be “import sensitive” in the receiving country market. 
  • The GSP concept and programs were established based on the premise that preferential tariff rates in developed country markets could promote export-driven industry growth in developing countries. 
  • It was believed that this, in turn, would help to free beneficiaries from heavy dependence on trade in primary products, and help diversify their economies to promote stable growth.