A number of steps are involved in the process of order management, including:
Product Inquiry — In this step, the customer makes an initial inquiry about the product or visits the supplier’s website or requests a catalogue.
Sales Quote — In this step, a budgetary or availability quote is made.
Order Configuration — In this step, ordered items need selection of options or order lines need to be compatible with each other.
Order Booking — This step involves the formal order placement or closing of the deal (issuing by the customer of a Purchase Order).
Order Acknowledgment/Confirmation — In this step, it is confirmed that the order is booked and/or received
Invoicing/Billing — In this step, the commercial invoice/bill is presented to the customer.
Order Sourcing/Planning — In this step, the source/location of item(s) to be shipped is determined.
Order Processing — This is the step where the distribution centre or warehouse is going to fill the order (i.e. receive and stock inventory, pick, pack and ship orders).
Shipment — This step involves the shipment and transportation of the goods.
Delivery — This step involves the delivery of the goods to the consignee/customer.
Settlement — In this step, the payment of the charges for goods/services/delivery is made by the customer.
Returns — In this step, in case the goods are unacceptable/not required, they are returned to the supplier.
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