Customs Clearance of Goods

This course unit is intended to enable the participants to 
    • The scope of cargo clearance; 
    • Determine prohibited and restricted goods; 
    • Determine general customs declaration conditions; 
    • Apply import and export procedures; 
    • Process goods through customs bonded warehouse; 
    • Identify customs security bonds; 
    • Determine Customs offences and penalties.

Unit Summary Learning Outcomes

  • This course unit is intended to enable the participants to 
    • The scope of cargo clearance; 
    • Determine prohibited and restricted goods; 
    • Determine general customs declaration conditions; 
    • Apply import and export procedures; 
    • Process goods through customs bonded warehouse; 
    • Identify customs security bonds; 
    • Determine Customs offences and penalties.

Duration in Hours

70 Hours

Credit Factor

7 Credits

About Instructor

+115 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 7 Topics